Course curriculum

    1. Purpose of this course

    2. How to use this course

    1. Let's get started!

    2. About Fusionetics

    3. Performance Health System Overview

    4. Rationale for Movement Efficiency Testing

    1. Navigating the Admin Portal

    2. Your landing page, teams and athletes

    3. Create client/athletes and other practitioners

    4. Account Creation & Sign In

    5. Adding a Client or Athlete

    6. Adding a Practitioner

    7. Adding a Team

    8. Athlete Reporting

    9. Change a Client or Athlete's Team

    1. Team Dashboard and Athlete/Client Profile

    1. MHQ - Movement Health Questionnaire Summary

    2. AHQ – Athlete Health Questionnaire Overview

    1. Movement Efficiency Screen and Test - Video Tutorial

    2. Performance Tests - Video Tutorial

    3. Daily Readiness Test - Video Tutorial

    4. Movement Efficiency Test Report - Video Tutorial

    5. BodyMAP - 2D Motion Analysis Testing - Video Tutorial

    6. Section 2 - Testing Overview

    7. Section 3 - ROM Overview

    8. Section 4 - Performance-DRT Overview

    9. Section 5 - Reporting

    10. Section 5.1 - TL-Athlete-Compliance Reporting

    11. 2019-ME-Test-Checklist-Basic-Version Update

    12. MME-Test-Checklist V2

    13. ME Testing Specifics

About this course

  • Free
  • 67 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content